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Mac-style shortcut keys for Linux & Windows

Warning: Before running any script checkout the source!

/bin/bash -c "$(wget -qO- || curl -fsSL"
Who's using Kinto?
What are people saying?
Thank you so much for creating Kinto. I was dying that death of a thousand paper cuts and you saved me. Thank you so much. I am happy using Linux again.

A. Graham

Kinto is great. Was super frustrated with trying to get Ubuntu to work like my Mac. My non coder girlfriend actually found the GitHub repo because she's great and sent it to me. Have used it on multiple boxes now. Thank you.

B. Butts

I just made the switch from OSX to Ubuntu, but I was really missing a lot of the useful key mappings in OSX. I just came across Kinto and I wanted to say thank you, for taking the time to build that. I was getting stuck in a lot of hair-pulling messing with various key mappings, and kinto solved ~95% of them out of the box.

A. Chandrasekhar

I just want to say: thank you. I am doing my PhD and will soon start another job to pay my bills. Company A uses Macs, Company B uses Windows. Your project makes the switch between the systems really easy and you even maintain the project.

A. Feldmeyer

Thank you for Kinto. I've tried to do the same thing myself but always gave up. Having a 95% head start may finally allow me to stop trying to maintain a hackintosh.

M. Christiansen

I just built a PC for the first time in like 10 years and it blows my MacBook out of the water for performance, so I've been trying to do more of my dev work on it, but Windows key bindings and shortcuts are quite a bummer in my opinion. Kinto solved every last issue I hoped it would, which means I can very happily do dev work on my more powerful machine now. From one software engineer to another, thank you!

M. Trewartha